Below we have listed some common mistakes that businesses make online, and how to avoid them in the future.
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Common Mistakes Businesses Make Online
One mistake that a business can make is not linking to the relevant resource that they intend to promote or bring attention to. This makes a bigger impact than you may initially believe. To put this into perspective, imagine a shoe shop is making a social media post about a new releasing shoe that they sell and provide a link, but instead takes customers to the main page. This results in a large increase in bounce rate as customers dislike having to search for a specific product amongst all of a shop’s other products.
Furthermore, linking between your platforms is integral to your customers. Omni-channelling is the idea of marketing yourself on multiple platforms and linking them to one another, this allows customers to jump across your platforms or site and most importantly keep their attention for longer.
Staff Morale
Employee morale is the overall viewpoint of individuals in the workplace, including emotions, attitudes, outlook, and satisfaction level. Good morale among employees leads to positive, confident, and satisfied employees, while low morale can be observed in negative, angry, and uncaring employees who fail to maintain productivity and safe business environments.
Morale, whether positive or negative, can influence a number of areas, including:
● Employee attitude
● Productivity
● Daily decisions
● Workplace safety
● Relationships with co-workers and management
● Attendance and punctuality
Within the business, communication is one of the major factors that get your projects completed with efficiency. In other words, communication is directly correlated to teamwork. A silo business is defined where departments of an organisation do not work together and stay in their own areas of the business.
This system generates problems such as one area lacking with no help from colleagues or a major misunderstanding in a project’s aim. Time sheets or collaborative software such as Miro is a great start for allowing your team members to collaborate on ideas and make changes in mutual interest.
Please don’t hesitate to contact one of specialist today to discuss further. We are also here to help .